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(all our coral is Aquacultured and supplied by reliable wholesalers withinin Australia)




Acanthastrea pachysepta is a reclassification of a coral that has stumped us for well over a decade. Formerly classified as a Lophyllia (which now includes all Symphyllia too), the majority of orange lobos exhibit a different color, pattern, morphology and especially behavior than any other typical Lobos. 


Superficially, the coral formerly known as ‘Lobophyllia’ pachysepta looks pretty much like any other Lobo – it has typical one to two inch diameter polyps which are semi-circular, and occasionally grow out into meandering valleys just like a lobo. However this species never really grows quite as massively large as a typical Lobophyllia colony and they usually have a more lustrous, almost metallic quality of orange coloration that reminds us of another familiar coral, Acanthastrea. 


Coloration and basic appearance alone isn’t enough to really single out this coral, but one thing that is very different about these ‘orange lobos’ is their behavior towards oehr corals. Acan pachysepta can be a really Vicious Coral, killing and destroying neighboring corals and colonies of typical lobos, scolies, pretty much anything within their substantial reach, something that normal Lobophyllia are simply not known to do. 

It doesn’t take a coral expert to recognize that these ‘orange lobos’ are not like the others and for years coral collectors and dealers have not not to group the orange ones with any others. True orange Lobophyllias do exist but doing a simple image search we noticed that most orange lobos are in fact the newly recognized Acanthastrea pachysepta. 

Acan Pachysepta Coral

SKU: EX1117
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